Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Fireplace Stone is Finished!

The stone veneer for the fireplace is completely finished. I had just a few more pieces to put up and then I gave the entire stone a treatment of stone enhancer.

As it turned out I ordered exactly the amount of veneer I needed. Not like the stuff cost billions of dollars it was just none of it could be returned. This was a special order product which means they ordered it from their warehouse in Syracuse. The tile store's policy is they do not take returns on special order items. To me a special order item would be one that was custom in some way (ordered from Italy, cut to fit, a color made especially for me). I would have like to return the four I have left over as I have no need for them anywhere in my house.

Today I was able to clean the stones and then apply a stone enhancer. The stone enhancer was called One and Done. I applied it with a stain brush and worked it into the cracks and crevices. I had to make sure the get under the stones that hung proud and on the sides of stones. The directions state the product should sit on stone for a few minutes and then the excess wiped off.

The picture below shows the difference between the enhanced and the natural look. I think the enhancer really brings out the colors in the different stone and pushes back the grey stone colors. I really like all the golds and reds in the stones.

The second picture shows the finished stone project.

In the coming weeks I will be building the mantel. We are still deciding whether to go with a white painted mantel or natural cherry. Either way the plan is to build the mantel so it wraps around becoming the top to bookshelves I will build. I'm hoping to make the bookshelves removable so I can get access to behind the fireplace, just in case I need to for some reason.

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