Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Garage is lifted

Lifted the garage today. I have to say I'm a bit nervous to get that big puppy off the ground. None of the studs or corner posts are touching the ground.

Today I've cleaned out the concrete, dirt and debris. I've laid a frame for the concrete.

This picture shows the space created by the jacks--to bad I have to take the whole thing up five more inches! The one side has sunk almost a foot over the 92 years. Concrete will mend the space under the structure and give me a place to lay a new pressure treated sole plate.

The bottom of this two by has been eaten away. With a new footing and sole plate, new pressure treated two by studs should keep that side of the garage from sinking. That is if the thing doesn't fall in on me.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Garage is Straight!

Today my neighbor, Pat, came over with an idea to straighten my garage. For years the garage has slowly settled, slanting to the left. After I hit it over the winter, the garage took a turn for the worse. The garage door broke making it impossible for me to get inside.

Pat's idea was to use two by fours as something he called bow braces. He put one end of the two bys against the foundation of his garage. Check out the pictures below.

The two bys flex one way then when they are pulled up they flex back pushing the garage in the opposite direction.

I then spent a few hours cleaning out the foliage from behind the garage and installing several pieces of plywood. This will help keep the garage straight.

Here are some braces I installed the other day. The bow braces beat the hell out of the idea I had. I planned to have a bunch of guys come over and push it Amish style, until it was straight. Then screw the board in quickly to brace it.

Here the three bow braces flex and hold the garage straight.

The whole set up from a far. Amazing job!

Here is the pudding. The garage is straight. Now I have to figure out a way to brace it from inside. I have a plan but need to order long two by sixes to hold the structure tight. Next steps--ordering a dumpster to clean out the garage and take off the roof. Then new roof, electric and siding to match the house!