Yet again I've discovered another hole in the house! This one was big. The entire ceiling over the bay window opened up to the roof over the porch. There was no insulation, no covering at all separating the inside of the roof and our old living room. Standing inside the space under this ceiling you could feel massive amounts of cold air rush into our house.
I attacked this problem two ways. I needed to insulate the upper part of the wall because this wall is the lower part of the walls inside my boys' rooms. Large triangular spots on their walls were never insulated, even with that blown in junk that I filled the walls with a few summers ago.
To insulate the walls in that spot I first installed 2x4s vertically, toenailing them into the porch supports already there. Next I stapled insulation between those new studs. This got really challenging as the angle of the roof behind me pitched. I got poked by the nails of the roof above me. This is my own fault. I had access to this portion of the wall when I put the roof on the porch. At the time, I was so focused on doing the roof that I didn't inspect this area very well. Truthfully, I couldn't see the whole into my living room because of the plaster ceiling. This would have been so easy to do with the roof open!
The next order of business was closing up the opening. To do this I installed 2x6s across the entire span. I created pockets to hold the 2x6 insulation used in attics and on ceilings. This would give a R-19 to that portion rather than the R-13 for a 2x4 wall. The second I covered that with insulation, the draft was gone. Lastly, I covered the entire area with 6 mil plastic. Even though the paper on the insulation is a vapor barrier, there were spots where I filled in the insulation without the paper. Also, I want this buttoned up. I don't ever want to feel the cold sitting in my living room again.
Check out the pictures of the before and after. As crazy as this sounds, the Weekend Woodworker wasn't able to finish this project until Monday night. After working all day, I came home to work on this for the next four hours.
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